The Challenge
Educate the audience about cyber security and expose Israel’s cyber defense solutions. We needed to use a very small space, without making noise that would interrupt the other activities at the booth. All the while making a huge impact and attracting visitors.

What We Did
We created a VR experience to present Israel’s cyber defense solutions. The 3 minute long VR video integrated a filmed actor within a 360 degree animated environment, which kept the audience captivated the entire time. To attract visitors and create buzz around the exhibition we branded the entire space and created a personal viewing station for each participant, to make the viewing experience more unique.

1,500 visitors watched the VR experience in 4 days of the exhibition, and later continued their visit within the booth. The audience thought it was the most thorough, yet engaging explanation of Cyber solutions. The client chose to reuse this experience and present it again at HLS & Cyber 2019, the most important Cyber exhibition in Israel.